Haunted places in Gilgit Baltistan

Posted By: The Blog Mall - August 23, 2021


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Gilgit Baltistan contains numerous beautiful valleys, for example, Gilgit, Skardu, Raundu, Shigar, Hunza, Naltar and Yasin valley.

    Gilgit is a small valley favored with Rocky Mountains and brilliant plantations. The Gilgit River courses through the valley. 375 km of street interfaces it to the Chitral by means of the Shandor Pass. 

    The Skardu Valley isolates the Karakoram Range from the Himalayas. Encircled by the pinnacles of the Karakoram, the Skardu Valley is a door for mountaineers, climbing into the mountain range.

    Raundu Valley is the entryway of Baltistan while going from Pakistan. While, we travel by street from Islamabad or Gilgit Raundu is the first region en-route to Baltistan. Raundu is called Rangyal in the Balti language. Previously, Raundu was sub-division and part of Skardu District. In April 2019 Government of Gilgit-Baltistan declared Raundu as a different District. Generally essential, the education pace of this District is practically 90%. Raundu valley is rich with high height glades, lavish green fields, mountains and more streams of new super cold water. This valley is exceptionally popular for its Grapes in Baltistan Region. Various types of Grapes are available in this valley.

    The Shigar is a tributary of the Indus Stream to which ties close to the town of Skardu. The Basha and Braldu waterways are northern tributaries of the Shigar. The Shigar Valley runs along the Primary Karakoram thrust isolating the Asian platue at north from Kohistan-Ladakh platue at south. Parts of Braldu and Basha valley territories are frequently marked as "Shigar Valley".

    The much eminent Hunza valley is frequently alluded, as heaven on earth, encompassed in the fantastic Himalayas   and the Karakoram mountains. This spot has been an   incredible vacation destination for many years. Hunza is   situated a ways off of 100 kilometers from Gilgit. In mid   1890s, the English set out upon a mission to add-on Hunza   and Nagar, which was called the Hunza-Nagar Mission.   Mir  Muhammad Nazim Khan was made the new leader of   Hunza by the English.

    The fairy land, Naltar Valley is present in the north-west of Gilgit-Baltistan, the fifth territory of Pakistan. It is 40 km from Gilgit city across the normal valley and its advancement is around 4,678 m (15,348 ft.).Naltar valley is notable for its magnificence and it's beautiful lakes. It is the most visiting region for the voyagers across silk road, KKH ( Karakorum highway) and presently CEPC(China Pakistan economic corridor). That is the reason each year in excess of 50,000 visitors came to see its magnificence and partake in summer season. While in the winters, the national skating championship held on the 1st January to end of February consistently.

    The Yasin Valley is a high mountain valley in the Hindu Kush Mountains, in the Ghizer. It is adjacent to the Ishkoman Valley and the two isolated by a high mountain pass, the Asumber pass. There is a yearly celebration, Tukhm Rezi, celebrated in spring season or beginning of the summer. It is a centuries old festival of Yasin Valley, when individuals play customary polo match, appreciate horses hop, dance on conventional music and cook a dish called Diram.


    3 prolonged glaciers named as Baltoro, Biafo, Batura are also included in this region. The Baltoro glacier is probably the longest glacier outside the polar locales. It is situated in the Shigar area of Gilgit-Baltistan. It goes through part of the Karakoram mountain range. The glacier leads to the Braldu Stream which is a feeder of Shigar River, which is a part of the Indus River. The area of this glacier is exceptionally wide. This glacier can be drawn nearer through the Balti town of Skardu.

    The Biafo glacier is a 67 km long ice sheet arranged in the Karakoram mountain range in Shigar district, which meets the 49 km long Hispar glacier. This glacier is around 20 km away from Askoli Town, Braldu of Shigar district. The Biafo glacier is the world's third longest glacier outside the polar districts.

    Batura glacier is probably the longest glacier outside of the polar areas. It lies in the upper Hunza (Gojal) locale of Hunza valley. It is only north of the massifs of Batura. The glacial mass flows west to east. The lower bits can be depicted as a dark ocean of rocks and gravelly moraine, lined by a couple of summer towns and fields with groups of sheep, goats, cows and yaks and where roses and juniper trees are normal.


    Other than that the most stunning and fascinating lakes, Satpara 200 lake in Skardu, Sheosar lake, Naltar lakes in Naltar valley increase the beauty of the land.

    Satpara Lake is the one close to Skardu, Gilgit-Baltistan, which supplies water to Skardu Valley. It is provided water by the Satpara Stream. Satpara Lake is arranged at a height of 2,636 meters above ocean level and is spread over a space of 2.5 km². The endpoint of Satpara Dam, downstream of the lake, has expanded the size of Satpara Lake. The liquefying ice of the Deosai plains is primary wellspring of water for the lake. The lake is focused with a space of 2.5 km with a pleasant island.

    Sheosar Lake is present in the recreation center. The lake, at a rise of 4,142 meters is probably the most elevated lake on the planet. It is 2.3 km long and 1.8 km wide. It is situated close to the Chilim Valley on the Deosai Plains. People appreciate fishing at this lake. It is likewise renowned for Brown Bear which is the solitary species found here. There are other sort of wild creatures present here. Among them Markhor is popular.

    There are three lakes in Naltar valley: Naltar 1, Naltar 2 and Naltar 3. Among these Naltar3 additionally called Bashkiri lake is renowned. This lake is found around 12 km from Naltar Bala. The best season to visit Naltar Lake is May to October. In summers, entire Naltar valley seems as though a pixie land. Autumn Season is additionally best season when shades of trees begin to change. The vivid trees in this season make entire valley like a fairyland. In winter Naltar gets heavy snow fall. Naltar valley gets more snow and downpour than different pieces of Gilgit Baltistan. In winter because of blockage of streets by snow it is practically difficult to reach.

Deosai Plain

    Deosai plain, is the high elevation plain and the Public Park, situated in the midway of Skardu, Astore and Kharmang areas in Gilgit Baltistan. It was given the status of Public Park in 1993. This plain comprises of around 5000 sq km of region above ocean level and considered about second most noteworthy platue on the planet after Tibet. This region is concealed with snow for around 9 months of a year and stays detached from the spaces of Astore and Gilgit in winter season.

Karakoram Highway

    The world’s highest road, “The Karakoram Highway”, also passes through Gilgit Baltistan which is about 15,397 ft high about the sea level. It is about 1300 km long national highway which extends from Hasan Abdal of Punjab to the Khebjerab pass in Gilgit Baltistan. The highway is a mainstream vacation spot and is one of the greatest cleared streets on the planet. Due to its high rise and the troublesome conditions in which it was developed, it is normally considered as the Eighth Marvel of the World. The highway is likewise a piece of the Asian Highway AH4. Land sliding is not a big deal on this road.

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